Monday, April 11, 2011

Under Construction

So it's just crazy how CRAZY you can get when you have a little downtime. We are currently in the process of rebuilding the House of Wax studio so H.O.W. V2.0 is almost here.

But I cant escape the feeling of total anxiety and questioning the construction, making sure everything is in the right place and the walls are properly layered. The second layer of drywall is going in now. I don't have access to some of the material that I would like to use so I am improvising.

All in all I know I just gotta work with what I have and make the best of it. The rest will definitely come. I will take some pictures today and post them on FLICKR so you can see.

Also the TEAM DREAM contest is on now I just created a short link so check it out

This is an opportunity to get the spotlight on whatever hustle your pushing so give it a good go.

Shout outs to the artist out there and let's get successful.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Team Dream presents Sign Ur Self

Ever feel like you're on this little island pushing as hard as you can but nothing's happening? Well Moonman Entertainment and Dupes Did Music have decided to change all that. Check out the video right now its time to change all of that.

So here is the long and short of it click the link here Enter your email address and download the instrumental

Record your best work and post it up on the Dupes Did It Music Facebook Page

Let's Get it Started the submission deadline is April 30th 2011

Link to Instrumental

Link to Dupes Did It Music Facebook page

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Old Enough Too

As I sit in my office and I look outside I observe some of the youngsters I knew growing up sip on Red Stripe. It made me think about being old enough.. It's a funny thing growing up in St.Lucia that there are only a few things that you need to be old enough to do. I think driving, voting and owning a gun license are some of them. Kids here can drink whenever, have sex whenever (well kinda) and work whenever.

It's a funny thing because maybe that is why we seem to be more experienced or more mature than our American counterparts. When I speak with people about the things I have been through and the age I was when they happened it almos amazes them. But its just a way of life for us here and we go with with.

It doesn't mean that every man is not still immature and that all our female counterparts are not way grown before their time (puberty is nice like that). But it scales things I guess since you dont have to be old enough then that should mean you can do anything at anytime. But that seems to work against us we never grow up because we think we are all grown up already.

I walk around and see people that used to teach me at high school trying to recapture their twenties before forty hits. I dont want to be like that forty is not the new twenty it is forty, shit its damn near 50 if you ask me. Im all for being forever young but this is just crazy.

Let's really think about this when are we gonna be old enough to realize that we should own our house before we own a car. Maybe stop deferring our maturity by going to a new school program every four years. I am all for living life but I like to think that there is plan and a purpose to it as well.

In the meantime keep doing what you do... I will keep doing what I do and let's make it happen.
