Friday, August 22, 2008

HMS Returns

Got ROYALTY check today!!!!! Now I know no one reads this blog I know this, but I don't care. First of all I would like to thank KAYO and TECH for collecting my HMS CHECK!!!!

Lemme See if i get a picture.....................

^^^^^Tech and Kayo in that pic there (Someone Say Eiffel Tower?)^^^^^

NOW LETS ROLL, DUDE I have to be at least in the top 5 producers and songwriters on this Island of mine and I get a measly what I got. Shit man Im bitching cuz I'm hurting for the dough right now. I have already filled out my application to ASCAP and this is the beginning of my resignation.

HMS says they pulled in somewhere near 300k this year and I get peanut shells not even peanuts, COME ON BRUVHS and SUGAH SISTAS!

Where is the love? I am not going to give you the track listing and discog, yet and you know I will be disputing this check.

So I will see you on the BANK LINE!!!!!!


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