Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I feel like I've got a million excuses as to why I have stopped blogging. But thats all they are excuses you guys might care but its still not fair because everything that I have been busy doing I should have been taking the time to tell you all about it.

I have been tweeting and facebooking so if you are connected to me there you been getting drips and drabs (wtf is a drab anyways) of information. Please follow me on twitter I am begging you (well im not begging but I would really appreciate it if you do)

Today I found out that you can follow too many people WOW! I think it has to do with some kinda ratio.

So here is some of the things that have been popping. Since my return from the TAXI ROAD RALLY in LA and meeting some really talented people. I have directed my efforts towards NASHVILLE. For a few weeks now I have been working on my first official demo with Ben Olson and the guys over at NASHVILLE DEMO STUDIOS. Its just great skyping into a studio and making magic happen. I think we are two sessions a way from a great song.

I would like to thank my FACEBOOK people for helping me choose the song "guilty" to be the one to be sent off to TN to be giving an all star treatment.

Top that off with the fact that I work retail during XMAS my goodness you dont know half of the things I been seeing. Black Friday was an absolute trip!

I have also been getting my book on just wrapped up Dude McLean's "The Songwriter's Survival Guide To Success: How To Pitch Your Songs". It is a really straight forward go out there and get it type of book, stick with me as I follow the steps in this book and others on my musical journey.

Shout outs to all my fans and supporters. Have a very very MERRY Christmas!!!! We winning in this NEW YEAR as always.......

Sherwinn "Dupes" Brice

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